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So how do you really connect 2024 to the wild world?
Posted on December 20 2023
In 2024 we must adapt ourselves to the environment with regards to sustainability, human relations, life in nature and natural health.There is no doubt that the last two years have changed us all in many ways. We are deep in wild businesses, each and the challenge he faces, each and...
Shamanic Drum Circle
Posted on February 20 2019
A drum circle is any group of people playing drums and percussion in a circle. They may also use movement, dance, voices (chanting, singing, poetry, spoken), and other devices. The drum circle is an end in itself rather than preparation for a performance. The drumming is improvised and co-created by...
What Is Spiritual Health
Posted on February 16 2019
Possibly the most abstract of the various dimension, spiritual health is challenging to define, develop, and maintain. But this aspect of wellness should not be underestimated. An individual with high levels of spiritual wellness will experience increased physical, social, and emotional health. One specific definition does not completely summarize spiritual health....
Spiritual Musical Instruments
Posted on February 13 2019
The use of sound healing therapy is not just a new age phenomenon but extends back thousands of years into the ancient times where mystical instruments of all kinds were used to remedy illnesses and revive the spirit. From the Aboriginal use of the yidaki (or didgeridoo) to heal physical...
what is a Rapé ceremony?
Posted on January 20 2019
During a rapé ritual - in which nothing but Rapé is used - the ceremonial leader first determines who needs which blend. After all, everyone has their own needs. The ceremonial leader tunes in and gets through who needs which kind of rapé. Afterwards, everyone expresses their intention: 'For what...
What Is Aromatherapy?
Posted on December 04 2018
Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic essential oils derived from plants to enhance the well-being of your physical or psychological health. The fragrance of these oils has real effects on our bodies, minds, and spirits. Aromatherapy has been used for centuries as an alternative medicine to safely and effectively treats...
The Secrets of Crystal Healing
Posted on December 02 2018
As long as humans have been digging and finding crystals in the earth, these special stones have been used as a source of healing power. Ancient cultures from all over the world have used them to align, cleanse, and transform themselves energetically, spiritually, and physically. The metaphysical powers of crystals...
Posted on November 05 2018
Aromatherapy is a soothing, uplifting, and even healing form of therapy that you can easily incorporate into your day. Aromatherapy uses essential oils that are derived from flowers and plants with specific spiritual and medicinal benefits. They are diffused into the air to create an environment in which the oils...
Working with Rapé
Posted on September 16 2018
There are just as many ways of working with rapé as there are reasons to use it. With this tobacco being so popular among the many different peoples of the Amazon region, many different traditions and practices have developed around its use. The benefits of rapé range from the physical...
Healing With Tobacco: Rapé Tribal Snuff
Posted on September 10 2018
There are many ways to use tobacco, but there is one particular tobacco tradition that is especially important to those who seek the wisdom of the Amazon. Rapé is a special tobacco blend that is made from a dried and powdered tobacco snuff. It is considered a strong and wonderful...
Amazonian Indigenous Art, a short Introduction
Posted on August 15 2018
‘While the art of other non-Western cultures – African, Oceanic, North-American Indian, Eskimo, and Asian – has been studied extensively, the disregard shown for Amazonian tribal art is inexcusable. The aesthetic value of the art forms created by the Indians of the Amazon basin is comparable to that of all...
The Shipibo tribe's art
Posted on November 08 2017
The Shipibo are considered one of the largest ethnic groups in the Peruvian Amazonian - estimates suggest that their community today numbers some 20,000 people. The members of the tribe are spread out over the Ukayli River and around the city of Pucalpa, which was built on its banks. Despite...
Posted on November 08 2017
The RAPÉ (pronounces "ha-pe"), is a traditional shamanic medicine that has been used for thousands of years by the medical personnel of the Amazon region. It is also known as "shamanic snuff", it consists of a mixture of plants and most (but not always) and contains tobacco as a central...
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